Programs and Services

1. Policy Development, Advocacy, and Campaign

Building broad constituency that works for the creation and adoption of local legislative instruments that will translate into concrete policy actions, programs, services and projects for migrants and their families.

2. Media and Public Education

Conduct of regular Public Forums, soiree, caucus, study circles, workshops and consultation on issues and context of labor migration and development in school campus and communities.

Creating venue for healthy discourses with media, researchers/academe and legislators on issues and agenda of migrants and families.

3. Research and Publication

Identifying gaps and prospects of migration and development, through conduct of research studies to support advocacy actions and most importantly on crafting sound legislative proposals and actions. Output materials of the research studies will be a publication material - book, magazine and other related forms.

Production of regular newsletter in English and a community bulletin in community dialect that calls for critical understanding of migration and development.

4. Direct Support and Services

The program has 4-fold component hopefully to address the needs and agenda of migrant workers and their families.
  • Counseling and Referral - Conduct of counseling sessions for distress migrants and families, immediate referral based on the initial diagnoses of the surfacing situations. Follow-up actions will be either through individual or inter-active activities with support network.
  • Organizing - Facilitating the establishment of migrants formations - cluster grouping and/or community-based formations for local campaigns and action support. Special formation fro ANAK OFWs (Children of Migrants) both in school and community to facilitate healthy encounters with OFW parents and among children of migrants. Life-skills capability building activities such as Creative Arts and Crafts Making. Peer educators development and local advocacy action to support their OFW parents agenda.
  • Livelihood Building and Partnership - Capacitating partners - communities and special cluster groupings of migrants and their families for special enterprise development. It will co-facilitate the conduct of feasibility studies, project management capability courses and fund sourcing for ready and capable production-based projects.
5. Women Services and Action (WSAP)

Organizing mission support for migrant survivors from war, epidemic and disaster countries. Mission support will also be organized to migrant families and communities affected by natural and man-made calamities.